Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Writing an Essay on Mars? Try Out Exam of the Martians

Writing an Essay on Mars? Try Out Exam of the MartiansThe Martians are invading Earth! Is this how high school students will feel about themselves if they chose to write an essay on the Red Planet? I'd say that writing an essay on Mars is a no-no, because it might as well be stating the obvious.You can't even begin to imagine what we're dealing with on Mars, or what an invasion of a planet would do to your students. When I was in high school, our teacher was trying to teach us something about Martian life by using a themed assignment. He would have us pick an 'evolution' issue for a science lab and give us Mars puzzles. If you were lucky, you might also get a Martian meteorite as an assignment, but I doubt it.The point of Mars exercise assignments is to stimulate discussion and research and get students thinking outside the box. There are numerous online resources, both scholarly and non-scholarly, that can be used for Mars essay assessments.One good resource is the Mars Exploration Rover site, which includes downloadable Martian essay questions. Once students have read the Rover site's essay, they should be able to dissect and analyze each essay assignment and the analytical techniques used to analyze the information provided.Another good resource for Mars essay assessments is Astro-Math, which has several well-designed Mars subjects for teachers to use. Most teachers already have a better understanding of Astro-Math's topics, but it's always good to have a few lessons up-to-date.If you are not already using Mars essay assessment samples, you should definitely consider using one. Not only is the essay assessment tool good for teaching students analytical reasoning, but it's also a great way to inject some fun into the classroom and a fun outlet for all types of students.There are numerous reasons why students need more Mars in their lives. As students get older, they may want to see more exploration on the planet.

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